

U.N.K.L.E e Scratch Perverts num live set no estúdio do programa Breezeblock na rádio BBC Radio One em mil novecentos e noventa e nove.
UNKLE vs. Scratch Perverts - The Breezeblock on BBC Radio 1, January 2, 1999

em mil novecentos e oitenta não havia photoshop

As obras apresentadas resultam de um trabalho de sobreposições de fotografias, dispostas em sequências contínuas, umas desenvolvendo-se no sentido vertical, outras no horizontal.

"Vida Dupla, Casa Arrumada" de Eduardo Nery até dia catorze de Março na Ermida Nossa Senhora da Conceição em Belém.

De Terça-Feira à Sexta-Feira, das 11h às 13h e das 14h às 17h. Nos Sábados e Domingos, das 14h às 18h.


ride with fame

Obrigado, velhote.

misery greatest love story

(a minha nova paixão)

Misery fucking loves me
And her love her so.
She is the cold embrace,
No escape,
When I'm left alone.
Misery fucking loves me
And I love her too
She is the dying breath
Of nothing left
That I've become accustomed to.
There is nothing left for me
I want to kill myself
Just for relief
Black cloud,
death shroud
weight of the world,
dragging me down
I have nothing to offer anyone
coming undone
misery, is my only friend,
she's a cold fucking slut,
but she is not the end.
Misery fucking loves me
But I love her more
She is the last light
The dark night,
Noose round my neck
The hole in the floor
There is nothing left for me
I want to kill myself just for relief
Black cloud
death shroud
weight of the world,
dragging me down
I have nothing to offer anyone
??? coming undone
misery is my only friend
she is a cold fucking slut,
but she is not the end
Misery fucking loves us

If you never tell that little white lie, then that's one less thing that you have to remember, can you blatantly say looking straight in her face that you ain't telling tales? I can't, I've tried so hard, but things ain't been the same since april, since that day full of tears and never agains, how many times has she heard were just friends? Friends that send texts with more than just a kiss on the end, but those texts are deleted so there ain't no chance of her catching me cheating, believe she's the best thing and il love her for life, I'd be lost if she left me and I don't wanna lie but it's hard for me, I'm in a catch 23, coz there's one more than two and in the middle it's me, is it left? is it right? I mean I know that it's wrong, and if she ever found out what i'm like shed be gone, but she trusts me, and that's what hurts me the most, laying so close praying she'll never know, where I go when I'm gone, what's been said and been done, and how there'll always be another, even if I love her, I can't smother the flames coz the fire won't die, it just burns away inside until I give into desire, I'm a love struck liar, burnt in the past so I keep her in the dark,

Given the chance could I go back, and unbreak promises littered with mistakes, coz I'm telling her fiction but facebook pics are making me the villain, for testing waters where mermaids wait, blowing hot and cold, yeah they're hot for a day, but what I'm left with is a keepsake, as my love boat floats away,
At night i pray that I can change my ways, that these lips won't mutter another lie, that when i look at her prettiest of features that my conscience is as clear as the summer sky, pray that I can put an end to her tears, that her fears and her doubts are laid to rest, our undoing was all my own doing, love over lust is the hardest of tests,
Send text, delete text, recieve text, do the same in case he checks your inbox, don't complain if I don't pick up, but don't you ever phone my house phone again,
When I've written down all I have to say, I'll throw these sheets away and take back confessions of dogs gone stray, maybe you'd stay, if I could look in your eyes, and recite a lie of love untainted and tested time.


the meaning

This is my piggy bank, I don't know is name yet.
Everytime after I drink my milk I get money to put on his back.
He's nothing like my other toys, he is much calmer ... he doesn't have batteries and you can't fill him with water.
Well ... you can, but is not a good ideia.
Dad says he's educational because this way I won't grow up to be a thugh, but I think the coolest thing about him is his smile.
Look! I'll Show you!

I put fifty cents in his back and he smiles ... like this!
I put twenty cents in and look ... he smiles exactly the same!
And now for the best part.
I'm putting no money in at all and ... he's still smiling!



little miss

The Sunshine Underground play a variety of punk, funk and indie. The group is named after a song from the 1999 album Surrender by The Chemical Brothers.

Nobody's Coming to Save You is the second studio album by British indie band The Sunshine Underground, the follow up to their 2006 album, Raise the Alarm, and will be released on 16 February 2010 through City Rockers/EMI. The album was recorded in September 2009 in Castleford.

Track listing

  1. "Coming to Save You" – 4:28
  2. "Spell It Out" - 3:52
  3. "We've Always Been Your Friends" - 4:13
  4. "In Your Arms" - 3:50
  5. "A Warning Sign" - 5:00
  6. "Change Your Mind" - 4:40
  7. "Any Minute Now" - 3:36
  8. "Here It Comes" - 4:42
  9. "One by One" - 3:55
  10. "The Messiah" - 5:27


"Só trinta cêntimos?! Se eu quisesse ganhar pouco arranjava um emprego."

rede expressos

O frio polar é um fixe, leva os velhotes a ir viver para a Terra.



Jaydiohead is a mashup project in which NYC DJ and producer Max Tannone mixes a capella tracks recorded by rapper Jay-Z and couples it with instrumentals created from a multitude of samples from different Radiohead albums, EPs, singles, and b-sides.

ai gebus

Enviado por t-jumper-du-94. - Veja mais videos cômicos



"Aventuras de Alice no País das Maravilhas” é o tema da exposição da autoria de Diogo Muñoz que pode ser visitada até ao dia 4 de Abril no Centro Cultural de Cascais.

Inspirado pelo universo de Alice no País das Maravilhas de Lewis Carroll, Diogo Muñoz aceitou o desafio do Jornal Expresso e deu vida à personagem Alice. As suas ilustrações apresentam-nos uma aventura plástica onde cada quadro utiliza um vocabulário pictórico ou uma citação de elementos de obras de grandes pintores mundiais, como Picasso, Bacon, Warhol, Bosch, Bruegel, Paula Rego, Júlio Pomar, José Luís Tinoco ou Luís Pinto Coelho, entre outros.

Sobre o projecto, Diogo Muñoz explica que a ideia é “pegar na carga simbólica de elementos de quadros que as pessoas conhecem e identificam, reinseri-los, dando-lhes uma projecção diferente, permitindo um miríade de possibilidades”.

A mostra agora apresentada no Centro Cultural de Cascais é composta por 24 quadros, sendo que cada um ilustra um capítulo da das obras de Lewis Carroll “As Aventuras de Alice no País das Maravilhas” e “Alice do Outro Lado do Espelho”.

A inauguração da exposição antecede o lançamento da colecção do Jornal Expresso “Alice no País das Maravilhas”, composta por quatro livros ilustrados por Diogo Muñoz que serão apresentados a 13 de Fevereiro. À semelhança de anos anteriores, esta iniciativa surge no seguimento de outras levadas a efeito, também pelo Expresso, com obras literárias como “Os Lusíadas”, com ilustração de Pedro Proença, ou “A Obra de Cervantes”, ilustrada por Júlio Pomar.

A exposição ficará patente ao público de 12 de Fevereiro a 4 de Abril, no Centro Cultural de Cascais, de 3ª feira a domingo das 10h às 18h00.


Adoro quando se ataca violentemente alguém ao utilizar a antítese de um tom de voz suave e amigável.